Sieťová karta Ethernet
Porovnanie cien - Výpočtová technika - Káblová sieť - Sieťová karta Ethernet
Sieťová karta Ethernet
TP-LINK Karta PCI Ethernet 10/100 Mbps TF-3200
Pripája sa na port PCI vášho počítača, karta TP-Link TF-3200 obsahuje port..., detail
TRENDNET Karta PCI Ethernet 10/100 Mb TE100-PCIWN - 32 bits
The TE100-PCIWN PCI Fast Ethernet 10/100Mbps Plug-and-Play card comes with the latest chipset..., detail
TP-LINK Karta PCI Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000 Mbps TF-3269
Pripája sa na port PCI vášho počítača, karta TP-Link TF-3269 obsahuje port..., detail
D-LINK Karta PCI Ethernet 10/100 Mb DFE-528TX
D-link has the right solution for every need. Whether you want to create a high-performance..., detail
D-LINK Karta PCI Ethernet 10/100 Mb DFE-530TX - Boot Rom
The DFE-530TX is an IEEE 802.3 10/100Mbps compliant Fast Ethernet adapter especially designed for..., detail
NETGEAR Karta PCI Ethernet 10/100 Mb FA311
The Card1 0/100 Mbps FA311 is an Ethernet network card which allows you to connect to other PCs,..., detail
D-LINK Karta PCI Ethernet Gigabit DGE-528T
D-Link is an industry pioneer, market leader, designer and true manufacturer of networking..., detail
TRENDNET Adaptér Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000 Mbps PCI TEG-PCITXR
Ak chcete disponovať portom Gigabit Ethernet na vašom počítači,..., detail
NETGEAR Karta PCI Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000 Mb GA311
The card PCI GA311 is a network Ethernet card which will allow you to connect to other PCs,..., detail
TRENDNET Kábel pre vysokorýchlostný prenos z PC na PC TU2-PCLINK
Kábel pre vysokorýchlostné zdieľanie dát z PC na PC TRENDnet TU2-PCLINK je ideálny pre..., detail